IPython notebook about correlations in fits.
Michał Rawlik
poniedziałek, 10 marca 2014
piątek, 21 lutego 2014
Numerical Cramér–Rao bound in Python
An IPython notebook illustrating numerical calculation of the Cramér–Rao bound on sine parameters:
Here is a Python module:
czwartek, 10 października 2013
No diacritics in epub ebook on Sony PRS-900
If you see question marks instead of diacritics or any other non-latin characters on Sony PRS-900 a simple solution is to embed a font that contains them, eg. there: http://ebook.online-convert.com/convert-to-epub
How come that default font on an ebook reader does not contain many eg. polish letters, this I don't know. Eg. Arial Unicode MS containing 38 917 characters is just 22MB in size (ref.).
niedziela, 15 września 2013
Dell's e6430 discrete graphics card on Debian
Some new laptops have two graphics cards. One power-efficient integrated with CPU and one powerful discrete (separate board).
Bumblebee project provides support for NVIDIA Optimus laptops. Installing and usage is straightforward and described here. In short (if you want proprietary drivers):
$ optirun glxgears
[ 42.214557] [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: Could not load GPU driver
[ 42.214599] [ERROR]Aborting because fallback start is disabled.
To fix this in file /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf in section [driver-nvidia] change line:
Bumblebee project provides support for NVIDIA Optimus laptops. Installing and usage is straightforward and described here. In short (if you want proprietary drivers):
- make sure you have contrib and non-free repositories enabled
- Install packages:
# apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-dkms bumblebee-nvidia primus - Installing nvidia driver package will automatically set it as a default rendering engine but it's not desired. Normally 3D would be rendered by integrated Intel card, so do:
# update-alternatives --set glx /usr/lib/mesa-diverted
$ optirun glxgears
[ 42.214557] [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: Could not load GPU driver
[ 42.214599] [ERROR]Aborting because fallback start is disabled.
To fix this in file /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf in section [driver-nvidia] change line:
piątek, 13 września 2013
Debian - slow brightness responce on Dell laptop fix
On some Dell laptops with gnome3 brightness change takes veeeery long (seconds) and system is choppy in the meantime.
A workaround has been posted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/828296/comments/5
The workaround is:
Worked on my Dell e6430.
A workaround has been posted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/828296/comments/5
The workaround is:
- add acpi_backlight=vendor to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT option in /etc/default/grub file
(eg. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet acpi_backlight=vendor") - run
$ sudo update-grub
Worked on my Dell e6430.
czwartek, 30 maja 2013
OpenStreetMap tile server on Debian
There are many reasons why one might want to run own OpenStreetMap tile server. It is somehow explained here, here and here. but, in my opinion, not thoroughly enough.
I'll explain in detail how I did it on a Debian Jessie server. Note that in this method tiles are generated manually. To generate tiles automatically a solution like apache mod_tile must be used.
Download OpenStreetMap data.
This file contains a map itself but in an abstract format. It's best to start with a small dataset (available at download.geofabrik.de), the whole planet is 28GB.
Install and configure PostgreSQL database
(description at debian wiki). That's where OpenStreetMap data will be kept for easy access.
$ sudo aptitude install postgresql postgresql-client
Add a user (preferably the name of user that will be accessing the database, say bob):
$ sudo -u postgres createuser bob
Add a database named gis owned by bob:
$ sudo -u postgres createdb --encoding=UTF8 --owner=bob gis -
Install postGIS. This is a PostgreSQL extension for keeping there geographic data.
$ sudo aptitude install postgis
Configure created database for postgis:
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d gis -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d gis -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql
sudo -u postgres psql -d gis -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO bob"
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d gis -c "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO bob"
- Install osm2pgsql - a script to load data from .osm file into PostgreSQL database.
$ sudo aptitude install osm2pgsql
Perform import:$ osm2pgsql --slim -C 1500 poland-latest.osm.pbf
- Install Mapnik - library to generate tiles (images) based on data in PostgreSQL database.
$ sudo aptitude install python-mapnik2 mapnik-utils
- Download and extract Mapnik stylesheet files - https://github.com/openstreetmap/mapnik-stylesheets/archive/master.zip (it has a nice README file).
- Download coastline shapes with script included in archive above:
$ ./get-coastlines.sh
- Modify xml files with script provided:
$ python generate_xml.py --dbname gis --user bob --accept-none
- I had problems with fonts (they are mentioned here), but I had to comment out lines in inc/fontset-settings.xml.inc that contained "unifont Medium".
- To test if everything works change bounds in generate_image.py to whichever fit your needs (they should be covered by OSM data you downloaded though) and launch the script:
$ python generate_image.py
If everything went fine there will be an output:
output image to image.png!
And of course an image will be created.
To generate all tiles modify file to choose what tiles you want to be created (at the bottom of the file). There are some examples provided. To create tiles for Poland for zooms ranging from 1 to 12 I used:
bbox = (14.28,48.92, 24.21,54.95)
To than generate tiles create a directory, say tiles and do (in bash):
render_tiles(bbox, mapfile, tile_dir, 1, 12 , "Polska")$ MAPNIK_MAP_FILE="osm.xml" MAPNIK_TILE_DIR="tiles/" ./generate_tiles_multiprocess.py
(it's a trick with setting environment variables for command execution).
- Make your tiles available via web server.
- Install packaged version of openlayers:
$ sudo aptitude install libjs-openlayers
- Create an index.html file and paste the following:
niedziela, 19 maja 2013
Portable radiation mapper
In January this year I've come up with idea to combine a radiation detector with GPS. Data collected by such a device would allow me to make a map correlating received radiation dose with geographic location.
Such a map would be very interesting. It's a common knowledge (I hope) that there are many natural radiation sources around, and their density surely varies. Cosmic radiation intensity increases with height above sea level (thinner atmosphere layer to absorb it), ground radiation is not the same everywhere. Also higher radiation is expected where there's more "stuff from underground" exposed - mining areas or rocky terrains. Buildings are build from materials dug from earth, so cities might be more radioactive than, say, forests.
It was my first time working with electronics on my own so I decided to make it as simple as possible. It turns out that parts are commonly available. This is what I got:
- Royaltek RGM-3550 GPS scavanged from an old blutooth gps module
- Arduino Uno
- Seeedstudio SD Card Shield
- Libelium radiation sensor shield
- Chineese power bank with solar panel
I am really pleased to see how community centered around Arduino-like
projects tries to make electronics as accessible as possible. Plus there are tons of shops with "hacker hardware" designed exclusively to be used in this kind of projects. It's kind of
amazing how easy is to build an electronic device such as this one.
I wanted enclosure to be transparent, so I ordered a laser-cut acrylic panels. To combine everything I used a plastic that can be formed with your hands after being heated to 60°C.
It was very hard to make it look good since the plastic hardened rather quickly. But then I used a heat gun to soften it wherever I needed and formed it nicely.
Data analysis is done by fairly simple python script. Most crucial parts I've already described: downloading maps and scaling hexes in matplotlib's hexbin function. Scaling is used to visualize statistical uncertainties - small hexes represent points with relatively large uncertainty.
The device has been taking data for two months now with help of my colleagues from scientific club. These are maps: city scale (Kraków, Poland) and country scale (Poland).
It's too soon to draw any conclusions from this data, but new data is being collected even right now.
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